These are maps made from tilesets. Click the minimap to download them.
22x22 Transition map, 3.3mb download. Waves of Mutilation uses the Archipelago and Urban tilesets.
Loads of Geothermal activity on the islands.
16x16 Crystal map. Weighs in at just over 6mb.
13x13 Archipelago map, 577kb download. Shallowx uses the standard and shallow Archipelago tilesets.
9x9 Crystal map. Weighs in at just over 1mb.
11x11 Mars map, 3.2mb download. Mars Isles uses the standard Mars tileset.
19x19 Evergreen map. Weighs in at just over 1mb. Uses features from the Lava, Lusch and Desert tilesets.
Who will get to the energy and metal rich center?
11x11 Urban map, 3.8mb download. Urban Riots uses the standard Urban tileset and Acid features.
Battle it out in the wreaked city!
11x11 Harvest Moon map. Weighs in at 3.9mb. This map uses the Harvest Moon tileset.
24x24 map, 9.0mb download. Fields of Glory uses multiple standard and transition tilesets.
24x8 Archipelago map. Weighs in at 2.5mb. Great map for island-hopping.
45x45 map, 14.0mb download. Fields of Glory Expanded uses multiple standard and transition tilesets.
22x22 Ice/Urban map. Weighs in at 7.4mb. Readme
7x13 map, 577kb download. Beach Wars uses various transition tilesets.
More resources on the smaller beach in the south.
16x16 BryceIce/Ice map. Weighs in at 6.1mb. Uses ArmouredFish's Icy Wonderland map as a tileset.
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Maps made with rendered images.
8x8 Bryce map. Filesize: 6.7mb
8x8 Bryce map. Filesize: 6.5mb. The one and only Terror maps and Units map!
8x8 Bryce map. Filesize: 12mb. Core prime melted when it's sun swelled into a red giant.
8x8 Bryce map. Filesize: 8mb. This map is called Melted Core Sea, a different section of Melted Core Prime. After Core Prime's Sun shrunk into a white dwarf, the planet cooled and the evaporated water fell as rain onto it's surface. Ridded of the dirt and muck that once plagued it before, the water was clean.
8x8 Bryce map. Filesize: 7.25mb. It is a bryce map with ice features. This ice planet has been pounded by an asteriod belt, Arm and Core fight for the planet before the planet moves into another stream of asteroids
8x8 Bryce map. Filesize: 4.6mb. It is HoodedExecution's first bryce map. Fight for the metal rich center of the hill.
8x8 Bryce map. Filesize: 7.7mb. Fight in the canyony desert.
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