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Welcome to Terror Maps and Units!

I'm glad to announce Terror Maps And Units is back! There will be a lot of change here now I'm back with the team such as a new site layout and new maps and units for you guys to enjoy! We are looking for any staff we can at the moment so if you are interested, contact me, AF or Legion and we shall let you try out by sending us your work :)

To The Future!


03/04/2006 - Shocking, yet another release.

Old units, but someone needed them. These are my versions of the NS series plasma cannons.

Arm Guardian NSCore Punisher NS

Buildpictures made by Stealth870

The Guardian NS is also build by the previously released Construction Sub.

Go to the Units section to download them!

posted by Legion

27/02/2006 - First release of the year.

Build your underwater bases in complete secrecy with the Arm Construction Submarine.

Arm Construction Sub

Buildpicture made by Stealth870

Stay tuned for more releases this week!

Go to the Units section to download them!

posted by Legion

09/11/2005 - Two new units!

Pound the shores and your enemies flat with this double pack of battleships!
The Daybreak & Nightfall don't use foreign weapon ID's, but they use the same weapon as the OTA destroyers.
Comes together with the Core Nightfall in a single UFO.

Arm DaybreakCore Nightfall

Buildpictures made by Stealth870

Go to the Units section to download them!

posted by Legion

16/07/2005 - New unit and unitmaker.

Meet Peter, Arm's newest unit.

Click here to see a larger image.

Long lost unit made by Under_Ware, our new unitmaker. Serves in the Arm forces as a light radar jammer.

Go to the Units section to download it!

Also, here is a preview of a new unit.

Update! The Arm Hyren and the Core Vashp are now available for download.

posted by Legion

19/06/2005 - New map.

Today we have released a new map!; Waves Of Mutilation, Made by me, HoodedExecution.
The object of the map is to capture the islands rich in steamvents.

Click here to see a larger image

Head to the Map section to get it!

Posted by HoodedExecution

10/06/2005 - New layout and content previews!

2 New units, respectivily the Arm Hyren and the Core Vashp, and the updated Balamant.
Disregard this news...

Posted by Legion

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