Click the image to download the unit. Please remember to run Conflict Crusher/TA Mutation when installing new units.
Arm Crossbow, light rocket ship. Launches Wombat rockets and is good for hit and run attacks because of its good speed.
Buildpic made by TheRegisteredOne
Off shore heavy defense. Uses the same weapon as their landbased brethren.
Comes together with the Core Punisher NS in a single UFO. Additionaly build by the Csub
Buildpictures made by Stealth870
I didn't find any similar unit on UU or TAfansite, so i made it.
It's just a con ship, but without the LLT option.
Buildpic made by Stealth870
Pound the shores and your enemies flat with this double pack of battleships! The Daybreak & Nightfall don't use weapon ID's.
Comes together with the Core Nightfall in a single UFO.
Buildpictures made by Stealth870
Long lost unit made by Under_Ware. Serves in the Arm forces as a light radar jammer.
Buildpic made by Legion
Armed with hard hitting rockets, these nimble fighters like to show of their acrobatic skills.
Comes together with the Core Vashp in a single UFO.
Kudos to Zwzsg for helping me with implying the smokescript.
With a brushed-up model and performance, the Balamant is ready to kick Core butt together with it's favourite warbuddy, the Triton.
If you want to protect your main fleet from close range attacks, or make sneak attacks at the enemy, look no further then the Tometekure. Packing stealth and a heavy Gauss turret, the 'Kure can get close to the enemy.
The Spark takes the EMG to a new place: under water!
Capable of penetrating deep into Core defenses, the Breezer releases a small payload on it's target.
Comes together with the Core Fiend in a single UFO.
Buildpic by TheRegisteredOne.
Heavy rocket barrages are the Corral's speciality. Favourite target: the Core.
Buildpic by TheRegisteredOne.
Like it's ww2 namesake, the Churchill stands it's ground (or water) on the battlefields.
Buildpic by ViperHawk.
Laser Flak K-bot. Paint the skies red with coherent light!
Close range defender.
Buildpic by TheRegisteredOne.
Slow and ponderous, these amphibious rocket tanks recently started roaming unsuspecting Core shore bases.
Arm's counter to the constant pelting by Morty's. When grouped together, the Long Tom gains more armour. It looks at the enemy when aiming, if not it shakes it's head. Has a 'stomping' action which creates a shockwave that topples nearby K-bots.
Script by Zwzsg.
Featuring Zwzsg's now famous transport script, the Hercule can carry and drop 8 units right on top of the enemy. Loading is done automaticly when it is on the ground, so make sure to land it where you want it.
Buildpic by TheRegisteredOne.
Swarm the seas with this little EMG scout and harras the Core's naval/shore resources!
Comes together with the Core Shrimp in a single UFO.
Prey on lone Core Commanders or their resources early.
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Click the image to download the unit.
Off shore heavy defense. Uses the same weapon as their landbased brethren.
Comes together with the Arm Guardian NS in a single UFO.
Buildpictures made by Stealth870
Pound the shores and your enemies flat with this double pack of battleships! The Daybreak & Nightfall don't use weapon ID's.
Comes together with the Core Nightfall in a single UFO.
Buildpictures made by Stealth870
Armed with hard hitting rockets, these nimble fighters like to show of their acrobatic skills.
Comes together with the Arm Hyren.
Kudos to Zwzsg for helping me with implying the smokescript.
Buildpic made by TheRegisteredOne
Updated and rebalanced.
HoodedExecution's first unit. Shower the Arm with the shots from this beefed up Buzzsaw.
Like in the Byzantine era, the Tsuranuke defeats it's enemies almost ritualistic by burning them. Support it with sonar and it becomes a subkiller as well.
An elegant light bomber made to skim through small bases leaving a light line of bombs in its wake.
Comes together with the Arm Breezer in a single UFO.
The Shrimp is a small, speedy reconnaissance ship bearing a small, somewhat weak laser. Designed to annoy Arm Commanders.
Comes together with the Arm Prawn in a single UFO.
Morty's bodyguard. Packs quite the punch with a fast firing laser.
The Gladiator is a second row assault tank, capable of hitting both land and air targets.
Sophisticated, sneaky and teleporting sniper K-bot. Script by Zwzsg. Every fifth Stalker is possible of teleporting other Stalkers, but can't fire. Like the Arm Long Tom, this unit looks at it's intended target.
As sluggish as a hippo in concrete, the Boomstick isn't the most manueverable plane in the Core's arsenal. But it delivers one heck of a blow to anything it sets it's sights on.
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